CQM Training by USACE

The CQM Methodology is benchmarked from the USACE CQM-C and is completely compatible with the Federal Business Opportunity mandated CQM Training requirements for USACE and NAVFAC Construction Contracts. CQM.US Experts are proficient in applying the USACE CQM-C methodology and CQM Training in Construction Companies working on Federal Construction Projects, however, it does not certify the Contractor’s Project Managers as CQM-C certified Quality Managers.

AGC CQM Training for CQM-C

USACE CQM-C was initiated in 1961 by a two-sentence clause in a Department of Defense Solicitation. By 1968 USACE CQM-C was developed into a system with a loosely structured process but to make its use widely applicable in Construction Companies a course was developed by US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC), Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) and Associated General Contractors (AGC) and hasn’t been updated since 2004.

Under the UFGS requirements of 01 45 00, contractors may be required to have their Quality Control representative certified by attendance at a Construction Quality Management course. This certification is required to be obtained not later than 90 calendar days after the issuance of the Notice to Proceed. Additionally, the Detroit District encourages Contractors on contracts of less than one million dollars in value to participate in this worthwhile training. In our opinion, based on previous attendees, this course is an extremely valuable tool and time well spent.

The AGC CQM-C courses are held in two-days and are limited in availability. A Construction Quality Management for Contractor (CQM-C 784) Course Schedule could be found here for all available courses in the United States.


Construction Quality Management is not only for Federal Government Construction Projects. In addition, it should be limited to the United States Construction Industry and is intended to be global and internationally accepted. The CQM Methodology is updated with the latest Best Practices considering the latest innovations and improvements in Construction Means and Methods.

CQM Community consists of all Quality Experts and Construction Project Management Professionals interested in improving and keeping the CQM Methodology up-to-date!

CQM.US Experts could provide training and consulting services that would be in line and compatible to the USACE CQM-C requirements, however, to be certified as a Contractor’s Quality Manager an exam based on the following Student Study Guide must be administered and passed by authorized USACE representative.

Visit your local AGC Chapter website for information on the USACE CQM-C course schedule and availability.

CQM Training

As part of the CQM Methodology Training program, a lunch+learn introduction and two four-hour sessions are offered to teach the USACE CQM-C Methodology and use in the organization’s customized CQM Framework.

As part of the learning process, comparing and understanding other systems will benefit the team to have a better perspective and realize the benefits and advantages of the CQM Methodology.

The course will cover philosophy and processes purpose but will utilize the organization’s PMIS system, such as ProCore, as the Project Management Information System rather than the government RMS 3.0 Resident Management System.

PhD for CQM Training

CQM.US Experts are University Instructors and Professors with PhD level education and advance teaching and training experience and expertise. The reason for a PhD requirement in CQM Training is the perspective and understanding a professional trainer with Doctor of Philosophy Degree has in realizing the benefit of comprehending the philosophy behind a school of thought before advocating its use and promoting its training.

CQM Methodology was developed by CQM.US Experts based on many years of academic knowledge exploration and professional practical experience that have a common CQM Philosophy in applying the CQM Framework.

CQM.US Experts are professors and lecturers in top local Universities and are in negotiations and talks with their local AGC Chapter to add more CQM-C courses in their universities similar to the University of North Florida cooperation with Naval Facilities Engineering Command Southeast. Please visit this post for updates on schedule AGC CQM-C courses.

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