A Community of Practice for
Construction Quality Management
Join other Project Management Professionals in our CQM CoP
Our Cause
With your help and participation, we wish to promote Quality Excellence in Construction Projects. Make it easier to access data and share latest information on Quality Management with other Construction Professionals.
We strive to educate and inform others about Quality Management Methodology that works!
Share ideas and Collaborate with others on innovative and practical solutions
Cooperate for a win-win mutual benefit with other Developers, Designers, Operators or Suppliers of Quality Construction Projects
Post information to the network and share posted articles to promote Quality and your passion for Improvements
PMI-CP Certification covers the domains of contracts management, stakeholder management, strategy and scope management, and project governance, certifies professionals in the construction and built environment industry.
Thank You Volunteers
Volunteer Thank You video put out by PMI which includes highlights from PMI UN Global Compact pledge hours around the globe. It's wonderful to see the impact of PMI SFBAC and other chapters are making! There are several shots of the Sustainability Program-sponsored La Grande Community Garden project throughout the video and then a compilation at the end.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact harri@peakbusiness.org
Root Causes
We know the solution to root causes of major Construction Quality Issues
Experts in the field of Construction Project Management and Quality Management have come up with a CQM Methodology that would utilize the most accepted best practices in the Construction Industry. Please review our system and become a member of our community to contribute to its bettermen and improvement with your own methodology and practices.
CQM Methodology is based on the PMBoK Framework with clearly defined Inputs and Outputs for different process groups. The Methodology takes into account best practices from US Army Corps of Engineers Construction Quality Management for Contractor Methodology, adding Construction Industry Institute Advance Work Packaging, and Lean Construction recommendations in a well established and organized fashion that would answer all the Business and Project Management needs of a Construction Project.
Why are we here?
Resources offered by CQM.US for Construction Community to Improve their Quality Management Systems!
Find and share latest information and knowledge about Quality Management, Methodologies, and Trend Development
Project Management
Find Freelance Project Managers and Project Management Consultants to manage your projects according to CQM US Army Corps
Business Outcome
Improve your productivity, efficiency and business outcome by using our version of Triple Bottom Line Framework that is tailored to your business culture
Find consultants to help you with credentials and certifications procedures and share Lesson Learned with other members and participants
Find Experts who will Train and Coach your staff to properly Apply CQM Methodlogy and Consult Organizations and Construction Companies
Find Resources, Webinars, Tutors, Classes, and Coaches to become a Quality Professional to improve your Organization
Free Training
Volunteer as Guest Speaker
Our Experts are serious to spread the word and share their information and Best Practices. That's why you can find the CQM Methodology and Framework Training available Free Online here! The Apply CQM process of CQM Implementation is a process of understanding the Philosophy, Background, Benchmarks, Purpose, Methodology, Frameworks, Application, and Improvement.
Don't hesitate to request a free online webinar and demo of the features available on the CQM.US and learn how we help organizations and Construction projects.

Endorsing Sponsors
Who made the CQM Community Possible

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Our First Event Nov 19, 19
View Videos, Photos, Presentation and information of our First Event