CQM.US Experts have developed a CQM Methodology that would be applicable to all General Contractors and Self-Performing Contractors in the Construction Industry as Apply CQM step in the CQM Framework.
Apply CQM
The first step to Apply CQM is to obtain Top Management’s Commitment and defining the Core Values that would make a Total Quality Management (TQM) system work in all aspects of the organization.
Upon receiving a signed Charter authorizing the creation of a Project Management Office that would implement CQM, the PMO will set the Processes and Procedures to be applied as it is customized to the specific Construction Company.

Construction Quality Management is further than just a Quality Management System. Quality Management System in the CQM Methodology will include the traditional Quality Manual, Site Specific Quality Plan and normal construction activity Quality Control Checklist. However, in addition to traditional QMS system, the CQM framework will encompass all the Risk Management, Business Administration, and Project Management consideration for an Integrated Quality Management System.
CQM Business Intelligence
Going thru the CQM Methodology will generate new Lessons Learned, Business Intelligence, and Continous Improvement Ideas for the PMO to re-evaluate the system and improve the Prequalification of supply chain suppliers and subcontractors in a continuous improvement fashion. The data generated from the system is collected in a pre-planned and pre-defined Key Performance Areas KPA and Indicators KPI that will be reported to Construction Project Managers and Company Business Managers as knowledge to make better and faster decisions!
PMP for Change Management
Initially as CQM Methodology and Framework is introduced to the Organization, Apply CQM will be considered as a Change project and would need a Project Management Professional with excellent Interpersonal Skills to form teams, develop teams, and manage teams in the PMO, Construction Project Management Team, and Stakeholder Management. A ten-session 40-hour training in PMBOK is recommended for the managers selected to serve in the PMO. CQM.US offers information in regards to classes and consultants offering these services under the Training Section.