Quality Talks with Quality Professionals in our Construction Quality Week 2020
Our guest Ms. Laurie Stedham is a Project Management Professional and Quality Assurance and Quality Control Manager at AECOM Hunt. Laurie has 25 years of successful experience working as a project manager and quality manager for multiple companies.
We’re very happy to invite her to our program to talk more about her passion and quality management.
Currently, She is hired to manage the quality program for the Southern California region and implementing her Quality Management on a huge project in downtown Los Angeles.
Benefits of PMP Certification
She talked about the benefits of PMP certification for Project Managers and Quality Managers because it’s the only civilian
equivalent to the military certification and is recognized in so many countries. Laurie also has an SQS certification which is a Safety Qualified Supervisor designation from AECOM that is well recognized nationally and internationally.
There was a brief discussion about PMI philosophy that promotes professionals working together in a collaborative fashion
and having interpersonal skills for team building and how to build trust and team development to improve the quality of our projects.
Quality Culture and Recognition
She talked about how quality management and Safety go hand in hand. Many safety hazards occur due to a lack of quality design or workmanship.
As a takeaway to our audience, she said: I think one of my favorite parts of quality is nurturing a quality culture and one way in doing that which I’ve done on many projects and with several companies and it changes the tide it turns the ship
all in a good way and one way to do that is to do recognition awards and she tells a very interesting little story from her experience.
There was a discussion on how recognition and reward is actually the best way to drive out fear in developing a healthy quality culture since many people are afraid to raise their voice if they see an issue or a problem just because they’re afraid that it will make their teammates look bad. Dr. Emari presented his experience from a day ago on how a tip raised awareness on his job that caused a foreman to discover a major error in the engineer’s design prior to construction.
CQM Community and promoting Quality Excellence
Quality Excellence is achieved only with good teamwork and that’s what CQM Community is about. To promote the most important part of our work which is the personal aspect and people aspect of these activities where we have people working together as a team in order to avoid big problems down the road the networking we have the understanding and collaboration
and sharing best practices as a community as a team as a company.
Ms. Stadham and Dr. Emari met at the Advancing Construction Quality Conference hosted by Construction Quality Executive Council in September 2020 as both presented as guest speakers.
Watch the complete Quality Talk on https://cqm.us/laurie-cqw

For more CQW2020 Quality Talks go to our YouTube Channel via https://cqm.us/tv