Apply CQM in the CQM Framework is different from QMS in a Traditional Construction Project because it has Quality Integrated in all phases from the beginning to the end.
As mentioned CQM Phases are divided into three phases for ease of CQM Implementation and better Integration of Quality in an Integrated Project Delivery approach into the following:
- CQM Phase in Pre-Construction is where Quality Expectations are defined and the Quality Management Team’s input is received to customize and CQM Framework is planned with a LEAN mindset.
- CQM Phase During Construction is when the CQM Implementation is executed according to the organization’s customized CQM Methodology and Apply CQM is monitored and coordinated through Construction.
- CQM Phase of Post-Construction is where the CQM Documentations are used to revisit the CQM Implementation to propose Business Intelligence and Project Management Improvement feedback.

The three phases are designated in different colored boxes with arrow colors corresponding to the box color. The orange two-headed arrows show the two-way communication and process flow that relates the Phases as both Input and Output.
Apply CQM during Pre-Construction
As a Construction Project Management Professional (CPMP) is assisting the Pre-Construction Team to decide on final design criteria, the consultancy of a CQM Expert in the field of Construction Quality Management is sought to apply the organization’s CQM Assets to customize the CQM Methodology used in the Construction Project for Apply CQM Process.
The Quality Manager’s responsibility is to participate in pre-construction meetings to ensure a quality excellence mindset and partnership spirit. In addition, assist the CPMP in documenting quality requirements and develop the CPMP Quality Management Plan in the CPMP Plan Quality Management Process.

CQM Assets are Organizations collected Knowledge Management, Lessons Learned, Templates and any other assets from previous experience, methodology, or mandated corporate procedures, policies, and culture.
Apply CQM during Construction
Apply CQM will be in full force during construction with all Construction Control and Assurance activities being coordinated, monitored and documented by the Quality Manager. As with any QMS system, as part of the system Quality Manuals, Site Specific Plans, and Activity Checklists will be used for CQM Control and CQM Assurance. In the Multilayered system of CQM Methodology, every entity should have its own QA/QC program and report to the upper tier.

The Quality Manager works very closely with CPMP to manage a project according to the Construction Project Management Professionalism approach. All lessons learned and knowledge collected in this stage will be turned to the CQM Methodology Process for final review and approval before it is stored as CQM Assets in the CQM Phase of Post-Construction.
Apply CQM during Post-Construction

The CQM Phase of Post-Construction for Quality Management is a critical step as part of the Integrated and Continuous Improvement approach of the CQM Implementation.
Unfortunately, this step to translate the collected knowledge into Business Intelligence that would be essential for the next project is ignored or left incomplete as the Construction Project Team is assigned a new project.
Now that the different phases and roles of a Quality Manager are defined, CQM Tools and Techniques will be discussed next.