In the CQM Methodology, the focus is on the CQM Manager to apply the Construction Quality Management for a Construction Project. Although a CQM Engineer and/or a CQM Director might be needed depending on the size and nature of the construction project or organization. The CQM Framework will need to be managed and coordinated by a CQM Manager who is a Project Management Professional.

Job description of a CQM Manager
The CQM Manager needs to have a defined job description to avoid misunderstanding of his role by others as policing or overstepping his boundaries. With a better understanding of the CQM Framework and CQM Methodology for an Integrated Project Delivery of a Quality Construction Project, everyone would realize that the CQM Manager role is a supporting role for the Construction Project Management Team as an extra eye and ear to watch for the coordination and management of the quality efforts under Apply CQM Process!

CQM Manager’s Role vs. Title
Although the Title of a CQM Manager could be placed on anyone taking charge of coordinating and managing the Apply CQM process, however depending on the organization and project structure, CQM Manager’s roles may vary from a more traditional management role to wider responsibilities as a Quality Director!
Another important fact to understand about organizational management is that Titles and Roles are not the same as PayScale and wearing different Hats. Meaning a person might be given the Title of a CQM Manager, but since the organization is not restructured to accept the CQM IPD approach, the person with the Title of CQM Manager will not be able to function his roles. In addition, a person might wear multiple Hats in a small organization or project! However, the Title of CQM Manager must be designated to a person and the roles of a CQM Manager must be assigned to him despite payroll designation and payscale.
As shown on the figure, depending on whether the CQM Manager handles primary categories of resources, his role might be elevated and more responsibilities are handed to him. This depends on the organization and construction project structure. The primary categories of Resource Management include:
- Money (Red)
- Time (Green)
- People
- Material
- Assets: Equipment & Facilities
- Information (Green)
- Intellectual Properties
CQM Manager Position in Organizational Chart
The CQM Implementation Plan will clearly define the CQM Manager’s responsibilities and job description in an organization. However, this entirely depends on customized CQM Implementation Plan and the Organization’s Culture, CQM Assets, and Construction Project’s specific contractual obligations and needs.
All that said, the typical Organizational Chart recommended for a Construction Company interested in applying CQM is to have a Quality Director, Quality Manager, and Quality Engineer.